Who Am I? This is My Mouth by Luana Rinaldo

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Who Am I? This is My Mouth by Luana Rinaldo

Buy Who Am I? This is My Mouth by Luana Rinaldo at Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Sue Magee
Reviewed by Sue Magee
Summary: A more-interesting-than-average board book which can be used for more than just a quick chew when Mummy isn't looking.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 12 Date: September 2011
Publisher: Orchard
ISBN: 978-1408315095

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Who am I? Well, I'm a very sturdy board book, but forget any idea of just having eight to twelve pages with pictures and an elementary story for the youngest children. On each double page spread we have an animal and a rhyme which gives a hint as to who the animal might be – but the mouth obviously belongs to another animal altogether. So – on the first page we have an animal with long teeth which are used to eat hay – but the snout is green and appears to be underwater! Pull the slide at the side of the page and the correct body part appears along with the word 'horse'.

Four animals try out this strange nose for size before we get to the end of the book. Here the pull-out slide is replaced by a wheel which allows the snouts of all the other animals to be rotated over the crocodile's face. It's a great aid to manual dexterity (and hand/eye co-ordination) and using the different snouts helps to develop the baby's imagination and decision-making processes. It's a lovely introduction to some of the more unusual animals too – many books for this age group are restricted to the standard cat and dog pictures.

The board is substantial and the pull-out slides and rotating wheel will take quite a bit of use. I'd be happy to let a child play with it unsupervised – although it is great for parents and children to play with together.

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

Slightly older children are sure to love The Wheels on the Bus by Britta Teckentrup. we also have another look at the same question.

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Buy Who Am I? This is My Mouth by Luana Rinaldo at Amazon You can read more book reviews or buy Who Am I? This is My Mouth by Luana Rinaldo at Amazon.com.


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